一、芳苑燈塔(面值5元):位於彰化縣芳苑鄉王功漁港。民國72 年建造,為八角形鋼筋混凝土塔,黑白直條紋造型,裝設4等電燈。 公稱光程為16.6浬。
二、查母嶼燈塔(面值5元):位於澎湖查母嶼。民國2年竣工, 為八角形磚塔。二次世界大戰期間遭燬,於民國37年修復,裝設5 等電石氣燈。民國89年裝設太陽能板,主燈改用電燈發光。 公稱光程為9浬。
三、蘭嶼燈塔(面值10元):位於蘭嶼西北端山頂。民國71年建 造,為圓形混凝土塔,裝設新式3等旋轉交流電燈, 為目前臺灣地區最高海拔的燈塔。公稱光程為26.1浬。
四、三貂角燈塔(面值25元):位於臺灣東北岸三貂角。民國24 年建造,為白色圓形混凝土塔,燈器為3等煤油白熱燈, 有紅色分弧指示龜山島方位。民國31年改裝3等旋轉透鏡電燈。 公稱光程為白24.5浬、紅20浬。
延伸閱讀- 台灣的燈塔郵票
Sp.602 Lighthouses Postage Stamps
(Issue of 2014)
First day of issue : March 6, 2014
◎ Stamp Cat Standard: Specail Stamps ◎ Stamp Cat : Lighthouses
◎ First day of issue: 2014-03-06 ◎ Color: Colorful
◎ Process: Offset ◎ Sheet composition : 20 (5 × 4)
◎ Dimension of stamps(mm.) 40 × 30(mm)◎ Perforation: 12 1/2
◎ Printer: China Color Printing Co., Ltd.
◎ Paper used: Phosphorescent stamp paper
To continue the “Lighthouses Postage Stamps” series, Chunghwa Post will release another set of four stamps, featuring the Fangyuan Lighthouse, the Chamu Yu Lighthouse, the Lanyu Lighthouse, and the Sandiaojiao Lighthouse.
The designs follow:
1. Fangyuan Lighthouse (NT$5): Located in Wanggong Fishing Port in Changhua County’s Fanyuan Township, this lighthouse was constructed in 1983 as an octagon-shaped reinforced concrete tower, featuring a black-and-white vertical-striped daymark, with a fourth-order electric light. The lighthouse has a nominal range of 16.6 nautical miles.
2. Chamu Yu Lighthouse (NT$5): Situated in Chamu Island in Penghu, this lighthouse completed construction in 1913. An octagon-shape brick tower, it was demolished during World War II, and repaired in 1948. After the repairs, the lighthouse was installed with a fifth-order acetylene light. In 2000, this lighthouse was given a facelift with a solar panel; its lamp was powered with electric lights. The lighthouse has a nominal range of 9 nautical miles.
3. Lanyu Lighthouse (NT$10): This lighthouse sits on the mountaintop on the northwestern tip of Lanyu. It was built in 1982 as a cylinder concrete tower, with a third-order revolving AC light. It has the highest elevation of any lighthouse in Taiwan. The lighthouse has a nominal range of 26.1 nautical miles.
4. Sandiaojiao Lighthouse (NT$25): Situated in Sandiaojiao in Taiwan’s northeastern coastal point, this lighthouse was built in 1935 as a white cylinder concrete tower, with a third-order kerosene incandescent lamp, with a red sector light indicating the bearing of Guishan Island. In 1942, the lighthouse was equipped with a third-order revolving lens light. The nominal range of the white light is 24.5 nautical miles, and the range of the red light is 20 nautical miles.
(1) First Day Cover: NT$2 apiece
(2) Folder (with or without mount): NT$5 apiece
(3) Loose-leaf album page: NT$8 apiece
(4) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with one NT$5-denominated stamp: NT$7 apiece
(5) Pre-cancelled FDC affixed with a complete set of stamps: NT$47 apiece
To purchase the relative philatelic products, please go directly to the post office branches, or order on line at