星期四, 5月 26, 2016


Mr president, Director general, fellow Health ministers ladies and gentlemen, first of all I will congratulate Mr president on his election. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Margaret Chan and the secretariat, for the efforts to facilitating Chinese Taipei’s continued participation in these assembly. As pleased 2030 development agenda by all member states, no one will be left behind. On the way towards sustainable development cause, we would like to work closely in collaborative goal global partners to transform our world.

We launched universal health insurance in 1995. It covers 99.9% of taiwanese population, and the public satisfaction rate is over 80%, the life expectancy is 80 years, infant mortality is 3.6 per 1000 life verse. Most comparable to the average of OECD countries.
Nevertheless, we faced challenges of rapid population aging, overloading health care workers, and increasing number of medical disputes. To take up these challenges, we passed the Long Term Care Service Law last year, and allocated extra resources to develop innovative and integrated service model.

林奏延在WHA全程以英文發表演說,呼籲各國支持「中華台北」穩健參與世衛組織活動。隨團赴日內瓦的林昶佐表示,肯定林奏延在演講中為台灣發聲,強調不該因政治因素限制台灣只能以觀察員身份參加WHA率團參加世界衛生大會(WHA)的衛福部長林奏延今順利上台發表演說,但以「中華台北」(CHINESE TAIPEI)自稱,引發國內議論。




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