星期一, 9月 24, 2018




I Am Profoundly Sorry    Dec. 11, 1998
Bill Clinton

This has gone on too long, cost too much and hurt too many innocent people. Now, this matter  is between me, the two purple I love most —-my wife and our daughter —-and our God. I must put it right ad I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so,

Nothing is more important to me personally. But it is private, and I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It is nobody’s business but ours.

Even president har private lives. It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the pry into private lives and get on with our national life.  Our country has been distracted y this after for too long, and I take my responsibility for my part in all of this . That is all I do. Now it is time —-in fact, it is past time—-to move on.

We have important work to do—-real opportunities to seize, real problems to solve, real security matters to face And so tonight. I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the past seven months, to repair the fabric of our national discourse, and to return our attention to all the challenges and all the praise of the nest American century.



改革伊斯蘭教己漸漸成為廿一世紀政治意識形態最重要的議題。本書對話坦誠、睿智且富有感情,尤其在涉及的思想與道德議題有最佳闡述。 這本書載錄 美國新無神論者 山姆 - 哈里斯 (Sam Harris) ,以及前 伊斯蘭極端份子 德 - 納瓦茲 Maajud Nawaz)...