星期五, 9月 21, 2018


Closing Speech at the NSDAP Congress in Nuremberg

 In the past, our enemies persecuted us and have moved the undesirable elements from our Party for us. Today, we ourselves must remove undesirable  elements which have proven to be bad. Why is bad has no place among us.
    It s our wish and will that this State and Reich will endure for millennia to come. We are happiest the knowledge that this fortune belongs to us completely! while the older ones among us may possibly waiver, the youth is committee to us, body and soul!
    Only earn yhr Part, with the cooperation of everyone, made it the highest embodiment of National Social thought and spirit will the Party be an eternal and indestructible pillar of the German people and of our Reith.
    The, eventually, the magnificent, glorious army those  old, proud warriors of our Nation, will be joined by the political leadership of the Party equally tradition minded, and then these two institutions together will educate and strengthen the German Man and carfruo their shoulders the German State, the German Reich!
    At this hour, tens of thousands of Party members ar already leaving the city, while some of them are still reveling in their memories, others are already beginning to prepare for the nest review — again and again people will come and go, they will be moved anew, e pleased and equally inspired, because the Idea of the Movement is a living expression of our perple, and therefore a symbol of eternity.






這是希特勒在1934/9/10-紐倫堡納粹黨代表大會閉幕式發表的演講,這篇演因為一部電影《意志的勝利-Triumph of the Will》而擁有超高的知名度。它是當時納粹大會的紀錄片。希特勒不惜血本,讓導演里芬斯獲得無底線的拍攝預算。它成功地把希特勒視為扭轉乾坤的大英雄。






改革伊斯蘭教己漸漸成為廿一世紀政治意識形態最重要的議題。本書對話坦誠、睿智且富有感情,尤其在涉及的思想與道德議題有最佳闡述。 這本書載錄 美國新無神論者 山姆 - 哈里斯 (Sam Harris) ,以及前 伊斯蘭極端份子 德 - 納瓦茲 Maajud Nawaz)...